Diabetes can be a tricky thing to manage, especially when it comes to eating. However, there are ways for you to keep your diabetes in check while still enjoying some of the delicious foods that you love. Here are some tips for eating good snacks for diabetics:
Don’t skip breakfast
Eating breakfast is important for people with diabetes because it helps them avoid overeating later in the day. However, research shows that people who skip eating first thing in the morning are more likely to overeat during their meals later on.
A good breakfast can also kickstart your metabolism and get you ready to face your day with more energy and focus than if you were forced to skip it altogether. Tandem Diabetes professionals say, “It’s important to understand how snacks impact blood glucose levels.”
Include fiber in your diet
Fiber is found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. It helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which can help prevent or delay heart disease and diabetes complications.
Eat plenty of fresh produce. The types of fruits and vegetables you eat can greatly impact how healthy they are for you. The more brightly colored they are (in other words, the more purple or green they look), the better chance they will have anti-cancer properties that can help protect against some cancers.
Eat sweets in moderation
Sweets can be enjoyed in moderation but should not be eaten as your main meal. Sweets should always be eaten with a meal and should not be consumed more than once a day. A small portion of sweets at the end of the day is acceptable, but it is best to limit them to an occasional treat rather than something you eat every day or on a regular basis.
Switch to whole grains
Whole grains contain the entire grain seed and are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Refined grains have removed their outer layers and are processed into white flour or white rice; they’re lower in fiber than whole grains and may also be higher in added sugars. Examples of whole grains include oats, brown rice, whole wheat pasta or popcorn kernels. Choosing these options instead of refined ones will help you get more nutrients—and feel fuller longer—each time you eat.
Drink plenty of water
Drinking plenty of water is vital for regulating your body’s fluid levels, and it can be especially helpful in managing diabetes. Drinking water instead of sugary drinks is one way to maintain good blood glucose control. Additionally, adding extra water to meals can help you feel fuller and faster and eat less overall.
Switch to olive oil and canola oil-based margarine
If you’re following a low-fat diet, swap your margarine for one made with olive oil or canola oil. Both are good sources of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). Olive oil contains high concentrations of oleic acid, a MUFA that lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart disease. Canola oil is also high in oleic acid but has a lower saturated fat content than butter or other animal fats.
There are a lot of great ways to eat healthily without sacrificing taste or flavor. With these tips and tricks, you can find new healthy recipes that will keep you on track with your diabetes diet and help prevent the negative effects of eating unhealthy foods.