Many parents are now struggling to come to terms with new studies that show Tylenol during pregnancy is linked to an increased risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit hyeractivity disorder (ADHD) in children. If a mother takes Tylenol during pregnancy and her child develops ASD or ADHD, she may be eligible for Tylenol lawsuit compensation. The amount of compensation she can receive depends largely on the circumstances of her case, including the following factors.
Accurate ASD Diagnosis
First and foremost, the mother must be able to prove that her child has an accurate diagnosis of ASD or ADHD. This requires the opinion of a medical specialist and supporting documents such as lab results and medical reports.
ASD presents with signs such as:
- Difficulty with verbal communication
- Social interaction challenges
- Vision, hearing, or motor development issues
ADHD presents with signs such as:
- Inattentiveness
- Lack of focus
- Impulsivity
Of course, it can be difficult to diagnose these conditions accurately due to the wide range of symptoms and behaviors that may be present in any particular case. These can overlap with other diagnoses, making it challenging for doctors to render a definitive diagnosis.
Length of Exposure
The longer the exposure to Tylenol, or acetaminophen, during pregnancy, the greater the risk of an ASD or ADHD diagnosis in the child. It is best to document the timeline of acetaminophen use during pregnancy and provide proof such as doctors’ notes or prescriptions.
Type of Exposure
The type of exposure also matters when determining Tylenol lawsuit compensation. For instance, if a mother took regular doses of Tylenol for a long period of time, she may be eligible for more compensation than if she took a single dose or the product sporadically.
Other Factors
Other factors that can affect Tylenol lawsuit compensation include the age of the child and the severity of their condition. The size of the settlement also depends on how long it has taken to diagnose their condition, the cost of treatment, and any other socioeconomic impacts the family has experienced due to their child’s diagnosis.
It is important for parents to remember that each case is unique and requires its own assessment. As such, no two settlements will be the same, even if two cases have many of the same characteristics. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a qualified lawyer who can gather evidence to prove how much compensation you’re eligible for.
For instance, the cost of treatment could include:
- Costs for occupational, physical, and speech therapy
- Prescription medication costs
- Transportation and travel costs associated with appointments
- In-home assistance or special education
Parents should also be aware that they can receive compensation for their child’s pain and suffering. If the family has had to change lifestyle habits due to their child’s diagnosis, they may be eligible for compensation for those losses as well.
The Bottom Line
It is important to remember that the amount of Tylenol lawsuit compensation each family receives will depend on the specifics of their case, and it may take some time before a settlement can be reached. However, filing a claim can help parents get the financial support they need to care for their child and make sure they have access to the best treatment available. It is also an opportunity for families to hold Tylenol accountable for any harm suffered by their children. With experienced legal representation, parents may be able to secure a fair amount of compensation to cover damages and expenses related to ASD or ADHD diagnosis caused by Tylenol use during pregnancy.