If you were injured on the job, suffered a car crash, or were harmed in a surgical accident, you’ve likely considered how you can get justice for what happened to you. You may have medical bills, lost wages, or emotional damages, or all of the above, and you want to know how you can receive compensation that can help you move on. A personal injury lawyer may help – but before you reach out to a lawyer, consider these three things.
Whether a personal injury lawyer is right for this case
Not every case is right for a personal injury lawyer, just as not every case is right for a contract lawyer. For a case to be successful, there needs to be a clear person or organization who is at fault, as well as documented evidence that can be presented in court. Your case will be stronger if you have a definable injury or a specific cause for the injury, which can then be traced back to a specific person or organization. For example, if you found that you had a dog bite, but can’t prove whose dog bit you, a lawyer will have a difficult time arguing your case.
Even if you’re not sure whether a personal injury lawyer is right for the case, you can still consult with a lawyer; many firms offer a free consultation to potential clients. At this time, you can explain the situation, and they will discuss how they can assist and what the process will look like. This is a risk-free way to see whether you can receive a settlement for your injuries, and it can help you understand what other options you might have.
Whether the lawyer has a proven track record of successful settlements
As in most professions, law firms differ in their success rates: some lawyers have an excellent track record of receiving justice for their clients, while others have won few cases.
Look for a law firm with a great reputation and information available on what types of settlements they’ve received for their clients. Many law firms will have an exhaustive list of the cases they have won, like Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers in Illinois. You can start on their website, then begin to look at other resources, such as news articles about settlements they’ve received. You may also consider looking at any testimonials from previous clients of the law firm: some law firms will list these on their own websites, while others might require a bit more digging.
Whether the personal injury lawyer has successfully argued a case like yours
Personal injury lawyers cover a wide range of issues, which range from workplace accidents to birth injuries. However, not every law firm has experience in every type of personal injury, so it’s important to look into their background and ascertain whether they’ve handled a case similar to yours. You never want to be the first case of your kind that a law firm has ever argued, as they might not have the specific knowledge necessary to understand your case. It’s always best to go with a professional who has plenty of experience in managing your specific circumstance.
Many law firms have websites that list each type of personal injury that they manage, including definitions of these. From there, you can research the specific cases that they’ve argued, as well as the outcomes of these cases. Others may not have as extensive of a website, but you can always call and ask for information on their previous cases, or find external sources like news articles that discuss their case history.
It’s also important that you feel comfortable with the lawyers, as you will be working closely with them over several weeks or months; you want to feel safe providing them with your medical history and discussing the emotional impact of this injury. Look for lawyers that explain things thoroughly to you, take interest in your care, and are compassionate. While these might not be factors in whether your case is successful, they will be essential to helping you through this process with as little stress as possible, and that’s invaluable.
Once you’ve found several law firms with experience in this type of personal injury, you can compare their success rates as well as other factors, such as the cost. Take your time and ensure that you have found a law firm that you’re confident will be able to get you the justice you deserve. This is your case, and you want to feel assured that the law firm will advocate for you in the courtroom.
Final thoughts
No one wants to be injured, and no one wants to go through a protracted legal process. However, you deserve justice for what happened to you, as well as compensation for financial and emotional issues arising from this incident. A personal injury lawyer can make sure that you move forward with your life with as few ramifications as possible. With these three considerations, you can decide whether to work with a personal injury lawyer and select the one that’s right for your needs.