The events of an automobile crash happen swiftly. You may be driving down the road one moment, and the next, you may be dealing with catastrophic injuries resulting from an Atlanta automobile accident. To protect your rights, health, and money after a vehicle accident, you need a comprehensive investigation to determine who was to blame.
You could miss work after a vehicle accident, your automobile might be damaged, and your medical expenses might keep mounting. If another motorist was at fault for your collision, you might be entitled to monetary compensation. However, you must identify the at-fault party for the collision in order to claim those damages with a lawyer. Learn more about the details by reading the blog ahead.
It is Important to Know Who is at Fault in a Car Accident
Knowing who is at blame in an automobile collision is important; typically, the at-fault driver is responsible. Car accidents are rarely intentionally caused, but this is irrelevant. Driving carelessly, recklessly, or negligently causes many accidents.
The collision and the associated costs are the legal responsibility of the careless driver. For compensation, you must prove that the other driver’s carelessness resulted in your collision and injuries.
Each of these four types of carelessness must be present in your case:
- Every driver has a duty of care to prevent endangering other motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. Legally speaking, this obligation is defined as a duty of care. When you are driving, both you and other drivers have a responsibility to drive safely.
- Breach of duty: The other driver’s reckless driving behavior violated his duty of care to you.
- Cause: The other driver’s violation of their duty of care was the immediate cause of the collision.
- Damages: You must have suffered quantifiable damages due to the collision, such as medical costs, lost wages, and car damage.
You do not need to have studied law in college to demonstrate negligence in an automobile accident lawsuit.
Choosing Who to Blame in a Car Accident
You can not rely on the other motorist to speak the truth, even if you know they were the ones who caused your collision. If they acknowledge blame, they can be forced to pay for your medical expenses, auto body repairs, missed wages, etc.
On the contrary, even a negligent motorist could not be aware of what happened. Auto accidents frequently result in trauma and begin and terminate in an instant. To identify faults, a comprehensive examination is essential. A thorough inquiry will hunt for proof of the accident’s cause. Both the police and the insurance providers for each of the drivers involved will look into an accident.